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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 01:59:35 | 移动端:英语作文(精选多篇)


my family

hello, my name is liuyutong,l’m ten. this is my mother, she is very nice and very tall.she love yellowww.bsmz.net

(b ) 2. ___ is my pen? it’s under the book.


(c ) 5. ____ are my pants? they are on the bed.

a. www.bsmz.nety brother’s.

a. www.bsmz.nety lind is ma yali.im in class2gnada5.(你好!我叫赖伟琪,我在五年级二班读书)怎么样,我的英语不错吧。告诉你,我还是班里的英语小组长!不过,说起刚开始学英语,我还闹过不少笑话呢。


然而不久,需要记住的英语单词就越来多。我既念不准,又拼不出。怎么办呢?急中生智,我想出了好办法。我在每一个单词旁边都注上中文,“good morning”就是“狗的毛宁”“pencil”就是“潘嗽”……碰到没听写,课桌上就成了大花脸。我在课桌上早早写好要听写的单词,上课时这么瞄上几眼也就熬过去了,可好景不长,不久,“意外”发生了……


下课时,好几个同学围着我叽里咕噜说:“把“rule”读成 “路了。”我暗暗下定决心,以后一定要好好学习英语。



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i sleep www.bsmz.netany books on the shelf. i like reading very much.

do you like reading? you can borrow the books form me if you like?

my bedroom is so nice. i like it.

英语作文 孔帅

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